Antibiotics for prostatitis in men

If prostatitis develops, it is most likely that special treatment will be required. A bacterial disease develops in a third of patients. It is necessary to suppress the growth of bacteria with appropriate drugs. Antibiotics for prostatitis are prescribed when the diagnosis is confirmed by preliminary studies. In order for the treatment to achieve the desired effect and act on the body as carefully as possible, choose the drugs that will help you best, learn how to take them, and the potential threats from their use.

Benefits of antibiotic treatment

Modern medicine uses antibiotics against prostatitis or other diseases because of its abilities:

  • quickly destroys the source of the disease and eliminates inflammation;
  • produces substances that kill or stop bacteria and large viruses from multiplying, but are safe for the cells of the macroorganism;
  • act with external use (suppositories, ointments) and with other methods of administration: intramuscular, oral, intravenous;
  • fight against many pathogens at the same time (broad spectrum antibiotics).

The main groups of antibacterial drugs used for prostatitis

Antibiotics are a relatively new substance that was discovered in the 1920s. A large list of drugs neutralizes viruses and helps eliminate the causes of prostatitis and other diseases. The different nature of the action, the differences in the chemical structure made it possible to distinguish several groups of antibiotics for prostatitis of a bacterial nature: chronic or acute.


Fluoroquinolones are now chemically synthesized. Agents that affect different types of bacteria are particularly good at treating the chronic form of the disease. Fluoroquinolone-based agents are absorbed in the digestive tract as quickly as possible. From here they easily move into the cells of organs and tissues, destroying bacteria. Medicines cause gastrointestinal and nervous system disorders, allergies. In rare cases, diseases of the kidneys, musculoskeletal system, heart, candidiasis and colitis are observed.


The tetracycline family includes broad spectrum antibiotics, the composition and properties of which are similar. They have the same mechanism of influence on microbes, similar properties and complete cross-resistance. If a drug no longer works on the body, similar drugs are also ineffective. To get the result, it is better to take drugs that have a different way of working. Tetracyclines are highly active against bacteria that cause prostatitis but are difficult to tolerate.


Penicillins block the synthesis of peptidoglycan, from which the bacterial cell wall is built. They die of that. The mammalian body does not produce peptidoglycan, so the drugs are safe for humans. The only thing that can occur when taking it is allergies. The most commonly used drugs for prostatitis of the penicillin group are tablets.


The bactericidal principle of action of cephalosporins is dangerous for microorganisms. It damages their cell wall and leads to death. The assimilation of drugs of this group from the gastrointestinal tract is weak. They irritate the mucous membranes, cause allergies, impair kidney function and are contraindicated if there is a risk of meningitis. Used intramuscularly.


Macrolides are the least toxic naturally occurring antibiotics that inhibit the growth of bacteria. These drugs are rarely used because their effectiveness has not been proven. Patients tolerate therapy with these agents for prostatitis well. Drugs rarely contribute to the appearance of allergies, there are no cases of liver or kidney depression, destruction of joints, bone tissue, toxic effects.

Antibiotic regimen used to treat prostatitis in men

To effectively cure a disease, a diagnosis must be made, which will indicate the type of bacteria that are causing the disease in a particular patient and their sensitivity to drugs. Based on the test results, the doctor decides which means to treat chronic prostatitis or an acute form of the disease. A number of procedures help relieve inflammation of the prostate when the disease occurs due to invasion by bacteria.

The treatment regimen for prostatitis includes:

  • take antibiotics to eliminate bacteria;
  • the use of drugs to improve blood circulation, to reduce stagnant conditions;
  • adding anti-inflammatory agents - when you need to relieve pain by reducing the swelling of the gland;
  • substances that regulate the immune system;
  • vitamins A, B6, E, C;
  • trace elements: selenium, zinc, magnesium;
  • Sedative
  • ;
  • herbs (lingonberry, elderberry, St. John's wort, comfrey, goldenrod);
  • prostate massage - relieves inflammation, eliminates stagnant secretions;
  • Exercise - stimulates blood circulation.

In acute pathology

Treatment is carried out in a hospital or at home under medical supervision. Medicines are used that have a complex effect: cephalosporins, tetracyclines, and with decreasing inflammation, fluoroquinolones. For a quick effect, a urologist can prescribe two antibiotics.

The result of therapy for acute inflammation is usually immediately visible, but it is absolutely impossible to stop taking medication. Follow the 4-week course to the end, carefully following the dosage to counteract the inflammatory process. Otherwise, it can turn into a chronic form. If you strictly follow all the recommendations of the urologist, the disease will go back forever and never return.

For chronic prostatitis

what antibiotics to drink for prostatitis in men

A slow, chronic course of prostate disease is observed much more frequently. Periods of rest give way to exacerbations. Is Chronic Prostatitis Treated? The prognosis is less reassuring than that of acute inflammation. The results of therapy are weaker: the pathology changes the structure of the glandular tissues, so that the antibiotic does not remain in them for a long time. Goals:

  1. preparations are prescribed taking into account the type and degree of sensitivity of the microflora.
  2. Broad spectrum drugs are highly effective, especially cephalosparins and macrolides, fluoroquinolones.
  3. The minimum course is one month, but there are often several cycles with breaks. It is impossible to stop treatment if the condition improves: changes can be deceptive.

What are the most effective antibiotics?

To cure or relieve symptoms of infectious prostatitis, strictly follow your doctor's recommendations. Do not start the course until after the diagnosis, when the doctor understands the nature of the disease. Self-treatment at home is fraught with devastating consequences and dysfunction of the body systems.

Are there any side effects and contraindications?

Compounds that restore gastric microflora are often prescribed along with medication. Possible reactions to antibiotics are indicated:

  • Malfunction of the digestive tract;
  • allergic rashes;
  • poisoning (fever, pain, diarrhea);
  • deterioration in health.

Antibiotics are not used to treat non-infectious (congestive) inflammation. It is forbidden to accept them:

  • for allergies;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • children.